First steps with Angular and MVC4.Net
So let's have a look at how to install and use Google's interface framework Angular in a .Net MVC4 project. Installation This one is as easy as get into NuGet and installing AngularJS from there, it will install lots of libraries and make some changes on your webconfig but it should just work. Hello World! Now let's make an MVC Controller, add it a View without using the layout (just to simplify the example) and no need of any Model for now. [sourcecode language="csharp" wraplines="false"] public class AngularController : Controller { public ActionResult AngularBasicExample() { return View(); } } [/sourcecode] Once we have that, we need to set the directive ng-app to the HTML tag like this: [sourcecode language="html" wraplines="false"] <!DOCTYPE html> <html ng-app> ... </html> [/sourcecode] That will tell…