Updating Campaign Member using Salesforce API and C#
Well, if you check at Salesforce API documentation and follow their tutorial to connect to SF database and request data, everything should be fine. The API its pretty flexible and solid. But, once you get to the update point you may find some problem... I connected to Salesforce and requested my CampaignMember, loading it into an object called "CampaignMember" (yes, im so original). Then, if I tried to update it using something like: [sourcecode language="csharp" wraplines="false"] Salesforce.SaveResult[] saveResults = sf.update(new Salesforce.sObject[] { CampaignMember }); [/sourcecode] It would not work, since it seems that object has every field filled and would try to update all of them, including the read-only ones. So I would receive a saveResults object with the error message "Unable to create/update fields: CampaignId, HasResponded, LeadId. Please check…